
We make no compromises

A compromise is a solution that is reached by all sides making concessions and accepted by all stakeholders. But we set the highest standards – for our products, ourselves and our international organisation. So we make no compromises.



Into a new dimension

Construction of Russia’s largest beet sugar factory is progressing well

Not far from the Russian town of Kirsanov, a beet sugar factory is taking shape that will eclipse all other factories in the country. The plants, due to be commissioned by 2021, include evaporator technology from BMA.



Availability up, costs down

In the cost analysis of a plant, what counts even in the medium term is not the initial investment but operating costs throughout its service life. Which is why BMA offers its customers a wide range of preventive maintenance and repair services.



Operating for success

The VKT – a highly efficient process solution

More than 30 years have passed since the first vertical continuous pan (VKT) was commissioned in Germany. Since then, the apparatus has become more and more widely used. Initially in European beet sugar factories; then, in 1995, the first VKT for high-purity products (massecuite purity of about 99.5 percent) was installed in Dubai. In recent years, it…



A wealth of experience

Since its beginnings, BMA has implemented thousands of projects for customers across the globe, each of them unique. Our technical, financial, geographical, administrative and time resources form the wealth of experience and expertise we rely on in our projects.



The force of water

A new addition to our range of manufacturing methods: water jet cutting

From thermal separation to welding and to moulding, and from machining to surface finishing: BMA uses many different metalworking techniques in its workshops. Now we have further expanded our vertical integration with water jet cutting.



Looking after the crystals

Pumps of various types can be found in many places throughout a sugar factory: centrifugal pumps, for instance, move cossette/juice mixtures, and positive-displacement pumps discharge runoff. Then there are massecuite pumps. They move crystal suspensions, so-called massecuites, between, say, the vertical continuous pan and the centrifugal station or the cooling crystalliser.
