Massecuite pumps

Massecuite pumps

*mandatory field
Recipient of the quote
Contact for technical questions
1. Factory details
2. Equipment process data
2.2 Product
2.3 Differential pressure
Where the pressure is unknown, it is essential that details are provided in sections 2.4.1 – 2.4.5.
2.4 Operating conditions
2.4.1 Product quality
2.4.2 Diameter of the pressure line
2.4.3 Elevation head to the supply reservoir
2.4.4 Elevation head to the destination reservoir
2.4.5 Pipe length
3. Equipment design
3.5 Frequency converter
3.6 Do you require mating flanges?
4. Additional information
4.1. Power supply
4.2. Ambient conditions
5. Remarks
