Legal Notice


BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt GmbH
Am Alten Bahnhof 5
38122 Braunschweig

Phone +49 531 804 0

The company is represented by the Managing Directors: Dr. Arend Wittenberg, Stefan Neumann

Place of performance and court of jurisdiction Braunschweig
Lower District Court "Amtsgericht" Braunschweig

Commercial Reg. No. 211343
VAT Reg. No. DE 811162994

Legal disclaimer

"The complete contents of these websites are copyrighted. Downloading and printing of individual pages and/or parts thereof is allowed only inasmuch as this is covered by the intended purpose. Copyright notes must not be removed or altered. Without the author's prior approval in writing, it is not allowed to copy, transmit or edit websites outside the narrow copyright bounds. BMA makes every effort to ensure the reliability and correctness of the information provided. BMA does not assume any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever directly resulting from access to, use of services offered on, or enquiries made by these websites or their links. Activating certain links on these websites possibly means leaving BMA's websites. BMA checks the links and the contents of the linked sites, but cannot do that every day, and therefore BMA assumes no liability for either their technical quality or contents, or the products, services or other subjects they offer."


Conception, design and technical realisation: