Ten years ago, BMA played a key role as the EPCM partner in the construction of the Etihad sugar refinery in Iraq. Now Etihad is planning to upgrade the refinery capacity to between 5,500 and 6,000 tpd of RSO – proof that sound engineering and a good partnership stand the test of time.

Etihad sugar refinery turns to BMA for capacity upgrade project
Supply of key equipment for planned upgrade
Etihad and BMA: strengthening the Iraqi sugar industry
A decade ago, BMA laid the foundations for construction of Iraq’s first – and to date only – sugar refinery: the Etihad refinery. BMA was responsible for all engineering and supplied the entire process machinery and equipment, from raw sugar reception to the finished product. The implementation of the complete factory by BMA was a milestone for the Iraqi sugar industry.
Etihad sugar refinery: upgrade to between 5,500 and 6,000 tons of RSO
The project also marked the start of a long-term partnership between BMA and Etihad. During the engineering phase for construction of the refinery, the infrastructure needed to expand the factory site was already taken into consideration. This enabled Etihad to upgrade the capacity to around 4,200 tpd of sugar a few years after the refinery had been commissioned, without any major changes to the existing process equipment being required.
Strengthening the partnership: talks with Etihad in Iraq
In early 2023, Hendrik Wiesner and Mohamed Ali-Khan from BMA set off for Iraq, accompanied by Steffen Kaufmann, the technical project manager during the initial commissioning. Their objective: agreeing the details for the current capacity upgrade with Etihad in face-to-face talks. The visit has further strengthened the two companies’ partnership, which is based on trust and shared successes.
Capacity upgrade: BMA supplies key equipment
BMA has supplied a range of machinery, plants and equipment for the capacity upgrade, including the following: a complete batch pan (DVK), two falling-film evaporators, a vertical cooler for the drying station, and a massecuite pump. All have now been installed. Commissioning in Iraq is scheduled for August 2024 at the latest.
Outlook for sugar production: Etihad refinery upgrade
In their talks, BMA and the Etihad refinery have been looking further ahead. An upgrade of the existing vertical continuous pan (VKT) with an additional chamber is under consideration. This would further improve the refinery performance.