
Schubert Klassik 2018

„Eine Ausfahrt mit Freunden und deren Freunden, in schöner Umgebung, mit schönen Autos“ – mit diesen Worten beschreibt der Veranstalter die Schubert Klassik. Einst als Junggesellenabschied für Franz Schubert startete dieses Event und entwickelt sich immer mehr zur beliebten Oldtimer-Ralley in der Region.



BMA Turkey is picking up speed

Founded last year, BMA Turkey has been headed by Mr Murat Torun since 1 April 2018. With this new man at the helm, BMA’s subsidiary is expected to gain more weight and visibility in the Turkish sugar sector.



2018 Joint Sales Meeting

With temperatures a pleasant 26 degrees outside, the BMA Sales team are currently meeting at the head office in Braunschweig. Once more, it becomes clear why BMA won the Lower Saxony Foreign Trade Award last year: delegations have come from many different countries, including the United States, China, Russia and Brazil.



BMA America under new management

BMA America has a new President. Dennis P. Brice, who will be leading BMA’s subsidiary in the United States, is no stranger to a German company doing international business, having worked in several of them between 2000 and 2012. Born in the USA, the American culture is also very much part of him.



SMAG and BMA join forces for a common future

The executive board of Salzgitter Maschinenbau AG (SMAG) and the shareholders of BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG are in agreement: Both companies are working towards a merger. Preparations are in full swing, even though there are still a few matters that need to be resolved. This will give the region between Harz and Heide a strong group of companies with a decidedly international…



BMA Brasil tiene nueva dirección

Since 1 January 2018, BMA Brazil has been under new management. The new manager, Mr Carlos Vieira, has more than 16 years' experience as a Sales Director and Interim Managing Director for multinational companies in the B2B segment.



New extraction plant for Nitten Bihoro

Extraction plants from BMA can be found in all beet-producing countries. A new addition, in late 2017, was at the Bihoro sugar factory in Japan. BMA supplied the key components for the extraction tower, a countercurrent cossette mixer, and two pumps for the cossette-juice mixture. The Braunschweig-based manufacturer also handled all engineering services for extraction. As a special feature, all…
