Follow BMA on social media!

Join us on LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook 

Today, social media are very much a part of the sugar industry. BMA has been regularly posting texts, photos and videos on a range of interesting topics on all major channels for a number of years now. 

From print to digital

Many will remember our annual publication BMA Information. Back in 2017, we switched from print to digital – proof that our communications are just as cutting edge as our sugar technology. All articles since then are available on the BMA website. But to be sure not to miss any news, why not register for our newsletter:

For many of us, social media platforms such as Facebook are our preferred way of keeping up to date. With news feeds, each of us can receive a personalised selection of the latest news. Have you ever visited one of our channels?

BMA on LinkedIn – for concise news

For those with little time, LinkedIn offers interesting news about our successful products and installations around the globe in a concise format. Or read about our employees’ experiences. You can also find important announcements – of our webinars, for instance. Click this link to register for one of our free online events.

BMA on YouTube – information in motion

Our YouTube channel is definitely not to be missed. You can watch webinars even after they were first shown. Or video clips of our latest investments in production, our state-of-the-art welding robots or milling machines, for instance. And those of you who have never visited our Braunschweig site can take a quick video tour of our workshops.

With its wide range of training opportunities, BMA offers young people exciting career prospects. Watch BMA apprentices and skilled workers as they are teleported through time and space, enjoy a cream tea in the workshop, or take a look at the various training options we can offer applicants. Plenty of reasons to browse our YouTube channel!

BMA on Facebook – as you like it, we hope!

On Facebook, we also post information on BMA projects and announce upcoming events. From time to time, you can see pictures of our impressive machines and plants: after they leave our Braunschweig workshops, they are shipped by sea or air for installation in many places around the globe.

Have we got you interested in LinkedIn, Facebook etc.? Are there any topics that you would like to know more about? Why not subscribe to our social media channels – and leave us a comment or a like!