Optimum sugar crystal growth.

How it works
With its OVC, BMA delivers a continuous cooling crystallisation solution for maximum desugarisation without the formation of fine crystals.
The cooling crystalliser uses the force of gravity, with the massecuite flow from top to bottom. BMA offers highest precision when the massecuite enters the cooler. As it enters the unit, the massecuite is uniformly distributed across the entire crystalliser cross section by a slowly rotating distributor. The cooling system consists of standardised cooling block elements, in which water flows countercurrent to the massecuite. The entire cooling system oscillates vertically by 1 m.
This, in conjunction with the symmetric arrangement of the cooling pipes, provides for optimised retention times and even cooling of the massecuite. The standardised cooling process helps achieve high yields. Six hydraulic cylinders, which are symmetrically mounted on the cover of the cooling crystalliser, drive the system. The oscillating cooling blocks also achieve self-cleaning effects. As a result, the OVC can be in continuous operation during the campaign and requires less maintenance during production. The cooling water cycle is a closed system and therefore not dependent on a permanent connection to a fresh water system.
Optimised process technology for greater effectiveness:
- Larger specific cooling surface
- Oscillating cooling surfaces for excellent self-cleaning effect
- Defined cooling for maximum yields
- Permanently very good heat transfer between the massecuite and the coolant
BMA's cooling crystalliser concept is based on a vertical unit with oscillating cooling tube bundles. The aim is to remove as much sucrose as possible from the mother liquor by continuing the crystallisation of crystals that have already formed. Since this is the last desugarization phase in the sugar production process, any process control errors would have an irreversible effect on the amount of sugar lost to the molasses. This is why optimized cooling crystallisation is so important.