Integrated Management Systems

Quality Management at BMA

Setting global standards

As the internationally leading company in the field of mechanical and plant engineering for the sugar industry, BMA has the highest quality standards. And the supply of flawless, innovative products is only part of our promise to you. We consider our quality standards to be met when outstanding service goes hand in hand with the responsible handling of resources and excellent people management.

The customer is always our key focus. Our services include not only the on-time delivery of reliable products such as centrifugals and drying plants, but also comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales assistance. And while our services are of a consistently high quality, we continuously aim to improve them even further. Which is why suggestions from customers and employees are always welcome.


Safety and Health at Work

We, the top management of BMA AG, hereby declare our full commitment and responsibility for implementing the management system according to ISO 45001 throughout the company.

Our company recognizes the importance of occupational health and safety for our employees, contractors, and all other stakeholders. We acknowledge the legal requirements and other obligations that apply to us regarding occupational health and safety and commit complying with them fully. This declaration of commitment is communicated at all levels of the organization and is accessible to all employees. We expect each and every employee to support these commitments and contribute to the implementation of the ISO 45001 management system.

Environmental and Resource Protection at BMA

Our commitment for more energy efficiency 

Sugar production and sugar refining are basically energy-intensive processes. The conservation of resources and an efficient use of electricity and heating energy therefore have top priority in the development of all our products. And we think even further: our aim at BMA is to optimise all processes including our own, making them more energy-efficient. As market leader and example, we strive not simply to meet legal requirements, but to exceed them with our standards.

Which is why we regularly review our products and processes for energy efficiency and sustainability. Our efforts for a more moderate use of energy concern not only the development of our machinery, apparatus and equipment for sugar production, and also the organisation of our company and all aspects of our energy policy. Whenever there are ways of saving resources by procuring certain products or services, we pursue them.

As a company that attaches great importance to transparency, we document all our environmental protection activities in such a way that they can be verified by anybody. They are also a major topic for internal and external communication at BMA.


Our certifications for environmental and quality management can be found here.